NHS Community Staff Bank – One Year On

Last summer, despite a relentless pandemic, our teams began work on transforming the Staff Bank for London’s largest community healthcare organisation.

The Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust covers a huge area, providing a wide range of community care to more than two million people across eleven London boroughs and Hertfordshire.

We’re proud to report that our ‘people-led’ management strategy has already delivered results. In the past year, our dedicated Staff Bank team has successfully increased fill rates (to 96%), recruited over 350 extra Community Staff Bank workers and made positive progress with targets to reduce high-cost agency spending.

The Litmus team has worked very hard to engage and build trust with hundreds of service managers across the Trust’s growing and widely distributed infrastructure, recruiting the workers they need to support the continuing provision of high-quality care in homes and local clinics.

The Trust’s Contract Manager said:

“It is extremely valuable to have a Staff Bank partner embedded within our Trust that we can depend on.

From day one, the Litmus team have been incredibly responsive, frequently going above and beyond.

We trust and value their recommendations”

There is still much to do with many more planned improvements to implement, but the Litmus team has already made a marked difference and built a valuable understanding of the specific workforce challenges facing community-based NHS providers.

To find out more about the workforce support and solutions Litmus can offer email uk@litmus-solutions.com